Whirlpool Connectivity


I led the design transformation of Whirlpool's connectivity architecture, driving a substantial increase in successful smart appliance Wi-Fi connections.  Previously, poor connectivity led to negative consumer feedback, reduced brand loyalty, missed insights from data, and lost revenue.

In the first year, Whirlpool's connected appliance sales increased by over 15%.  We forecast continued improvements will drive connectivity rates from 45% to near 75%, enhancing the user experience and unlocking additional revenue streams for the business.

Let's connect to your new appliance (the old way)

You've just taken delivery of your new smart oven, eager to see what it can do.  You launch the Whirlpool app, ready for a seamless setup experience similar to the many other smart devices in your home. This is the first thing you see.

First you need to accept all these permissions

Permission pop-ups were a major roadblock to successful connections, with each pop-up drastically reducing conversion rates. Their arbitrary placement outside of relevant app actions created further confusion for users.

My appliance will show up here, right?

Well, no. Prior to 2020, Whirlpool's connectivity methods were inconsistent across appliances. Some used Bluetooth, others QR codes (either visible or hidden). This created confusion, as the app defaulted to Bluetooth, whereas wall ovens required manual setup due to their lack of Bluetooth.

We'll try adding it manually now

Selecting 'wall oven' triggered the app's biggest failure point: the model number input. Users struggled to locate this number, often hidden on the appliance itself. This was critical, as the model number essentially unlocks the oven's unique connectivity instructions.

We've finally found our model number, now what?

The seemingly simple three-step process was misleading. This only covered the preliminary actions before the crucial QR code scan. The QR code, buried within the oven's settings menu, was the key to enabling communication between the app and the appliance.

Oh, more instructions..

After scanning the QR code, users were dismayed to find another four-step process awaiting them. This came after significant effort, adding to their frustration. The app now guided users through navigating the oven's menus to locate and connect to Wi-Fi. The relentless 'Next' buttons created the sense of a never-ending journey for our consumers.

We made it, connection successful!

After countless friction points and interactions, each increasing the chance of failure, we'd finally have the wall oven connected to Wi-Fi... if the user hadn't abandoned the process.

How we began to improve this experience

I immersed myself in the complexities of Bluetooth, QR codes, and connectivity, recognizing the ever-evolving nature of these technologies. This required continuous learning and adaptation throughout my two years on the project.

Discovery workshops

Recognizing the need for a fresh perspective, I organized a workshop with fellow designers to pinpoint connectivity pain points and generate innovative solutions.

Comparing industry practices

Recognizing that Whirlpool appliances exist within a larger smart home ecosystem, I analyzed the connectivity experiences of both competitor appliances and diverse smart devices. This competitive analysis revealed common themes and provided inspiration for streamlining Whirlpool's onboarding process.

Beginning the new design

One high level architecture for all connectivity methods

Inconsistent connectivity methods (Bluetooth, digital QR codes, and physical QR codes) created a confusing user experience.  Appliances required unique flows, leading to frustration for users managing multiple Whirlpool devices. We still needed to support each method, but needed to unify them some way in the app.

The process was broken down into three steps:
1. Identify Appliance: Telling the app what you're trying to connect.
2. Pair: The app is now in communication with the Whirlpool app.
3. Connect to Wi-Fi: Sending Wi-Fi information over the the appliance.

Using permissions strategically

We prioritized tackling the disruptive permission pop-ups. By understanding the purpose of each permission, we strategically relocated them to the relevant points within the flow and provided clear explanations. This approach aimed to build user trust and increase the likelihood of them continuing the setup process.

We added clear explanations for why location access is needed when discovering nearby Wi-Fi networks. This proactive approach replaces abrupt pop-ups, enhancing the user experience.

Making model numbers visual

Model number entry, a pain point for users, limited their ability to access the correct connection instructions. To address this, we explored alternative methods to provide users with the necessary information in a user-friendly way.

Friendly step-by-step instructions

We incorporated GIF instructions that mirrored the user's appliance display, providing step-by-step visual guidance to simplify the process.

User testing to gather more insight

To understand and validate our design direction, we set up multiple user studies comparing both the current experience and proposed experience. The discoveries here informed the pain points mentioned earlier and validated the design decisions above.

Three other low-budget virtual studies were performed on usertesting.com to test smaller sections of our flows and specific interactions.

We conducted user studies comparing the existing and proposed experiences to validate our design direction. These findings confirmed the pain points identified earlier and supported the solutions outlined above. Additionally, three virtual studies on usertesting.com provided insights on specific flow sections and interactions.

The final experience (for now)

After countless iterations, reviews with dozens of stakeholders across the globe, and user journey presentations, we arrived at the experience shown here. Feel free to interact!

What's next?

To drive innovation in appliance connectivity, I proactively created a user journey showcasing future possibilities. This initiative spurred valuable discussions with project stakeholders (Case study coming soon!) and is now under development in 2024.